Chinese dishes

จัดโต๊ะจีน - Like other Asian foods, Chinese food involves cooking with plenty of vegetables, various meats and a wide range of oils and sauces that provide the food its distinctive flavor. Increased awareness about health and fitness has led to a shift to better oils like sunflower and groundnut oil, although garlic, ginger and Onions form the base of many preparations and traditional Chinese cooking involved the use of lard as the cooking medium. The oil content in many foods remains low, therefore, it does not seem heavy to those eating it. It really is quick to digest, which explains the frequent small meals eaten through the Chinese. The essence of Chinese cooking lies in using high heat for cooking, adding ingredients only following the oil continues to be heated till smoking point. Stir-frying the vegetables by doing this leaves them tender-crisp with the original color retained, along with its nutritive content locked inside. จัดโต๊ะจีน